Better results through data

A3DI helps development & humanitarian organisations use data to generate evidence-based, actionable insights for their programmes

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A3DI can help your organisation no matter where you are along the evidence pathway...

Survey Design & Implementation

Understanding (and clarifying) the key information you need. Designing the right methodology to maximise financial resources. Developing data collection tools for any modality (paper, tablet, and web). Ensuring questions are tailored for local contexts. Training enumerators and managing data collection operations.

Data Analysis & Management

Designing data storage and cleaning solutions that account for your organisation's internal capacity. Exploring data using a variety of statistical methods to unearth valuable insights for your programmes. Ensuring analyses are reproducible and optimised for collaboration. Developing automated data pipelines for longitudinal and complex assessments.

Visualisation & Comms

Developing dashboards (e.g., Tableau, PowerBI) and infographics for displaying key findings and KPIs. Drafting shorter (Powerpoint) and longer reports to communicate methods and findings to technical and non-technical audiences.


Transferring capacity in core evidence pathway skills (survey design, data analysis/management, and visualisation) to your internal staff. Teaching the best practices and what to avoid. Helping teams understand how to ask the right questions, where to look for the answers, and why communication is so important in the humanitarian and development field.

Hi, I'm Aaron

Aaron Wise headshot

I have worked with UN agencies and NGOs throughout Africa and Asia over the past 15 years on data-related projects within the food security, nutrition, and social protection sectors. I am driven to help organisations leverage data and technology to improve their programme designs and operations. I believe the effective use of data is the best way for organisations to meet their commitments to the communities and populations they serve.